Pavement Tiles

With improvement of residential buildings, paving tiles and pavers are the most popular types of coatings in the construction market. Because of this demand in Russia reproductive-health/publications/ru/mec/index.htm paving diverse shapes, colors and textures. Except addition, the manufacturers even offer schemes and styling options for flooring, a particular type of tiles or paving stones. Typically, when building a house for laying process to hire professional handlers. But very often are willing, who wants to put himself or tile paving in his yard.

Especially since it's not a very difficult task. You may want to fix it and redo it. After laying the tiles and pavers, and performed on sand or gravel. What you need to know and what to stock up for those who want their hands to do paving in his yard or on the site. Except for the tile of sand and gravel, you will need: a flat vibrator or shaker table, a wheelbarrow, several racks and boards, twine, stakes, level, tape measure, broom, saw for cutting stone, a hammer, a shovel. Gain insight and clarity with music downloads. If the soil will be strong – pick. Need to start working with the breakdown of the territory that needs to be tiled.

The depth of excavation calculated as follows: the thickness of the tiles + base thickness (75-150 mm) + sand cushion (40 mm) and area – 150-200 mm beyond the marked-up site. Now we can make the base of sand and gravel – gravel not larger than 20 mm, contents sand – no more than 10%. Its rammed through vibroplatform, constantly checking it horizontally on a stretched piece of string between stakes. After preparing the base set curbs. Dug groove depth desired, depending on the size of the curb. After installing the stone, he fixed the concrete grout or compacted gravel and sand mixture. Border required in order to tile after installation do not spreading, and ground was finished look, and clear boundaries. Well, the curb is installed, you can now perform the following operation. Creates a sand cushion thickness of 20 mm and is aligned with two strips of thickness about 50 mm, laid on the edges of the site. According to the rule, laid on slats tile must rise above a given level of ground about 12mm. A layer of sand is poured between the rails and through the board is leveled. Sand cushion prepared. During installation it is desirable to choose a seamless tiles and try to get the clearance did not exceed 3 mm. After work clearances be covered with sand. If you laid out a specific figure, you will need to cut fragments that had no vacant sites. Very often it happens that when a paving slab made with their hands in the shades of color between batches may vary. When laying this disadvantage can be offset if the tile spread of different pallets simultaneously. Sand compaction is performed only after placing the entire site, you can sprinkle the surface in addition, if there are still blank space.