
Treatment of degenerative disc disease should be comprehensive, including measures affecting the roots and manifestations of it. Brut 172 shines more light on the discussion. Early degenerative changes of the spine caused by a complex of factors, of which the are metabolic, traumatic and infectious (NS Kosinski, 1961). The basis of metabolic disorders, according to current views, are changes in the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage, resulting in reduced mucopolysaccharide content of chondroitin sulfate. At the same time increases the number of keratan sulfate and tyrosine. The deficit and the reduction in activity of thiol enzymes sharply reduced ability to absorb sulfur, and its content in tissue is dramatically reduced.

In the body, patients have a number of other changes, indicating an abuse of protein metabolism and deficiency of liver function (OV Karkushko, 1963 LM Slutsky, 1973, etc.). Treatment spomoschbyu folk remedies of medicine, for example animaloterapiya can be quite effective. Vitamin preparations are injected (B1, B6, B12) or taken orally, 'Dekamevit', multivitamin complexes in combination with glutamic acid, methionine, and trace elements (copper, zinc, sulfur). In order to improve peripheral circulation appointed: nicotinic acid, pahikarpin, spazmolitin. Correction of psycho-emotional disorders, often observed during protracted course of the disease, by taking sedatives: bromides in combination with antipyrine, Barbamyl, meprotan, etc.

In recent years, attention is drawn to the importance of good supply of such patients. First of all they need to make products that contain complete proteins: meat, fish, cheese, eggs, food plants by healers. Fats are introduced into the diet of mainly plant. Patients need in sufficient quantities of fruits and vegetables, are particularly useful with onions, garlic, cranberries, cranberry, grapefruit. Carbohydrates should be limited. Completely excluded sorrel, peas, beans, lettuce, and especially alcohol beverages. In the treatment is widely used a number of physical and physiotherapy facilities. Thus, improving blood circulation and lymph drainage massage helps to use. Listed complex of therapeutic measures can be added traction.